Homeowners & Remodelers

Discover the difference that exceptional stair and millwork solutions can make in your developments. Ensure a seamless integration process, superior craftsmanship, and remarkable value, creating lasting impressions and meeting the highest standards in the industry.

Our Process

Transform Your Spaces

As a Remodeler, you breathe new life into existing spaces. Our expertise in exceptional craftsmanship, tailored solutions, and seamless integration elevates your remodeling projects, creating stunning transformations that delight your clients.

Assess your needs

We work closely with you to understand the scope of your remodeling project, identifying the unique challenges and requirements to provide the ideal stair, door, and trim solutions.

Craft with precision

Our experienced craftsmen skillfully revamp existing structures or create new, custom pieces that seamlessly blend with your design, ensuring high-quality results that enhance your project's aesthetics.

Simple installation

We coordinate with your remodeling timeline and provide expert support to ensure a smooth installation process, minimizing disruptions and enabling you to focus on achieving your project goals.

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"Premier has been an excellent trade partner for many years. Great product. Great service. Great communication."

Chris Terhune

Vice President of Operations, Coventry Homes

Request a Quote

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